Well done for working through the heat today.
You should know the text very well by now. You should also know the quotes that you are going to use for your essay. We will sit this assessment in the week between work experience and half term.
For your homework you need to write two PEE+ paragraphs. This should be at least 500 words of analysis (remember not to tell the story.
Your title is:
Explore the ways that Lennie is presented and explored in Of Mice and Men.
We have looked in detail at the progression of Lennie's violence, but also how the audience remain sympathetic to Lennie. Steinbeck creates this sympathy - how? The murder of Curley's wife helps our understanding Lennie. Whilst she 'flop(s) like a fish' we are concerned about Lennie and fearful for his future. Here is the Powerpoint we looked at in class; look at the very clear success criteria for the paragraphs. The explanation is not written in, but you should look at what you have to do and write it yourself. Ensure you have quotes from other parts of the novella in your analysis. Technical issues have now been resolved and you can access PPt here. It is also available in the Student Shared area.
We will then peer assess on Monday morning. We then only have one more lesson before the CA...
We will then peer assess on Monday morning. We then only have one more lesson before the CA...
Enjoy the sunshine this weekend.
Could you please put the powerpoint on the shared area
ReplyDeleteThe PowerPoint is in the student shared area/ Ms CAldwell/ Y10 English/ PEE+ OMAM