Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Welcome back Y10!

Well, it's been a funny start to the term; we still haven't completed a full week and term ends in two weeks!

Firstly, if you missed some parts of your Controlled Assessment, we are arranging catch up times for you to do this. It is quite difficult, but don't worry - I'll give you a little catch-up session before hand so that you're reminded of where we were. Expect an update on this in the next few days.

Myself and Ms Dolan are both really impressed with how well you have been working. You all worked so well on Macbeth and Frankenstein. If you can keep up the good work, you'll get a lot out of the course.

I hope you are enjoying the Spoken Language unit. It's been refreshing to something more relaxed and more relevant to you and your lives - we all speak! We've looked at a range of different types of language and considered why spoken language is often so controversial. We have looked at Rastamouse particularly and considered the debates around the use of Jamaican Patois in a children's TV programme.

For your homework I would like you to bring a record of spoken language or multi-modal talk. This could be one or more of the following:

  • a record of text messages 
  • a record of a live chat conversation
  • a record of a series of tweets
  • a transcript of a sports commentary
  • a transcript of a children's programme (such as Rastamouse)
  • a transcript of a conversation you've recorded and written out. 
This will ensure we have a bank or corpus of spoken language that we can analyse. 

Let me know if you have any problems or if you need anything.

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