Hello Y10
I hope you've enjoyed the sunshine.
If you've missed a lesson this week, it is important that you are up to where we are in the lesson. Read this carefully.
Due to various trips happening this week, we've decided that you should begin your controlled assessment in the second half of Friday's lesson. Everyone should have their essay written out now. As a rough guide, you should have: an introduction; two paragraphs on Frankenstein; two paragraphs on Macbeth; two comparative paragraphs and a conclusion. It doesn't necessarily need to be in this order (apart from the introduction and conclusion!).
The most common errors are to try to talk about more than one point in each paragraph and to tell the story. We know the story! You need to keep your writing very clear. Following PEE+ will help you with this. You do not need to list all the ways that the character is presented, just pick your best points, ones that you can write a lot about.
After Friday's lesson, rather than come in a do the CA from the beginning of the lesson, you will come in and have 10mins to look at the paragraphs you've already written. Everything will then need to be put away and then we'll start the assessment. Essentially, you are going to try to remember as much as you can of 2-3 paragraphs that you'll write about in the following 45mins. You'll be writing in chunks. This means the CA will go over more than 4 lessons, but I think this will give you the best possible chance at doing well. Remember, this is 25% of your GCSE.
For this to work well, please come to the lesson prepared and ready to focus. Exam conditions will apply so you will need to enter the room silently.
If you have not got your essay written out you need to do this urgently. Ask Ms Dolan or myself if you're on the right track. Everyone should have had their work looked at by us, say urgently if you have not.
Your homework is to complete the essay and revise for the CA. This will be the case for the next couple of weeks.
There is lots of stuff on this blog to support your learning outside of the classroom. Scroll down and have a look at some older posts; it's good revision.
Here are some links for you.
These are the Assessment Objectives:
AO1 Respond to texts critically and imaginatively, select and evaluate textual detail to illustrate and support interpretations
AO2 Explain how language, structure and form contribute to writers’ presentation of ideas, themes and settings
AO3 Make comparisons and explain links between texts, evaluating writers’ different ways of expressing meaning and achieving effects
AO4 Relate texts to their social, cultural and historical contexts; explain how texts have been influential and significant to self and other readers in different contexts at different times
If you are stuck in any way or have a problem, you can leave a comment on this blog (this then emails me straight away).
Best wishes,
Ms Caldwell