Monday, 21 November 2011

Today's lesson as promised....

The lesson from today. Here is the link to the document. If you missed today's lesson, this is excellent revision for you. Note down exactly what you are required to do in each question - this does not change and will be the same in the summer. i.e. Q2 always asks you to look at source 2 and analyse presentational features.
Top tips
Remember, just a little more that an minute a mark. 8 mark question should take about 10 mins... Especially do not spend too long on the first one in section A.
Use a range of sentences in Section B - write down the all the punctuation marks you know in your plan and use them.
Put things, especially rhetorical devices, in the room in your head in your mind's eye!

Good luck!
Ms :)

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Clauses and Colons

Hello Y11
Revision should be in full swing now... I've uploaded this, which we did at the beginning of Y10, as a useful revision of sentence structures - wow -so many sentences to choose from!
It is quite a long presentation as it is a few lessons in one. You have to practice this; it is sometimes easier to start with the structure rather than the idea particularly if you are stuck.
Finally, it is not easy to try and make these sentences fun, but I have tried.
Sentences clauses and colons

View more presentations from MsCaldwell

Happy revision!

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Samples (not simples!)

Here is a link to some example answers that the exam board give out. Have a look. There are handy little commentaries at the bottom. Prize for anyone who is able to prove that they've had a look at this information!

Exam Overview

As promised, here is the overview of the exam. It's a bit weighty! However, it will help you know what to expect for every question.

Let me know if you have ant comments or queries.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Well done on getting through the Controlled Assessment. For most of you, that's all the Controlled Assessment out of the way now. An extra well done!

We've spent the last week looking at what we call Paper 1 - the language exam paper. This is split into Reading and Writing.
In section A (Reading), you'll be asked four questions, which are comprehension/reading questions like we have looked at in class.
In section B (Writing) you are then asked to write to inform/advise for 12 marks (click here for a useful site on information writing). You are then asked to write to persuade for 24 marks.

This is brief, but I'll upload this week's lessons as they happen. You can then use this to revise for next weekend.

Any problems, queries etc, leave a comment (but not your name),